Thursday, March 14, 2013


Being procrastinators by nature and habit, it is a daunting prospect to start up a company in this faltering economy. Even speaking the words aloud - "I want to make money and be my own boss" - feels as if we're intentionally inviting the gods of Failure and Humiliation into our parlor with a smile. It is a lot easier to work for someone else and allow ourselves to be cogs in the wondrous machine of Corporate America.

Easier, certainly. Better, not so much.

Growing up we were taught we were intelligent females with educational prospects and limitless opportunities for careers. What we weren't told was how hard it was to start said careers once we graduated with those shiny degrees clutched in our clammy little hands because our resumes were identical to thousands of others who also graduated with the same dreams. The urban jungles of modern society are as deadly to navigate as  alligator-infested swamps, albeit with slightly different rules: instead of the fittest being those most suited to their environment, it's those who embody the old adage "it's not what you know, but who you know."

Fast forward ten years and you find us sallow-faced, carpal-tunnel cramped, and bleary-eyed as we defensively make our way through hour long commutes so we can do our jobs for adequate pay which covers the bills and not much else. We acknowledge we are fortunate to be employed in a state where 8% of the population is unable to find work of any kind and can't be supported by the local government because the till is empty, yet the soul-draining monotony of each day is cruel in its own way.

Hence the need for something new to dig us out of our ruts despite the seeming comfort and security it provides.

Regardless of his politics, Barack Obama was completely correct when he said, "Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change we seek."  It is this sentiment, this cry to battle, that drives us to turn RooBee Box from a wistful dream into a money-making reality despite a) never owning a business before, b) lacking the practical knowledge about owning a small business, and c) operating with shoe-string budgetary concerns.

If anything, this next year should prove to be more entertaining, educational, and scarier than the preceding ten.

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