Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Realities of Social Media - Part One

I'm busy working on our new website - it will actually be published soon! Just need to get the domain switched from one registrar to another - and realized that for all the social networks we belong to, there are still so many more we haven't even touched. Since we're an internet based company, this means we need our digital footprint to be a manly size 13 instead of a girly size 5, but there's a limit to how many sites we can update daily. I've already quit my day job for the glories of self-employment and spend more time online now than I have in the last five years combined. Okay, that's a bit of a misnomer, but you get my point.

I know blogging is still the number one place everyone advises people to use as a way to disseminate information, as well as earn money through click ads, yet it's also the biggest chore because as much as I love to read and talk, I'm finding it difficult to come up with things to say/write about. It is both an excuse and a reason why our blog is somewhat sparse given we started it in March (to be fair, however, I did work full time for a few months after creating it).

Thus the reason the scope of my recent blogs has more to do with things I randomly discover online as opposed to strictly business related. I have found the rabbit hole of links that take me from the relative safety of my sites into the Wonderland of the Wild Internet Frontier.

Example #1: Because Holy words can't describe how divinely stupid that was. - Imgur